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Entries by species1
The Clouded Leopard
October 1, 2016 in Meet The Carnivores /by species1The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is one of nature’s shyest creatures. The smallest of the big cats, they prefer to remain hidden and out of sight. This presents significant challenges when studying the species, and as a result, much of their behaviour remains a mystery. Their range includes the Himalayan foothills of Nepal, into Southeast […]
The Ocelot
October 1, 2016 in Meet The Carnivores /by species1Distributed extensively across the Americas, the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is somewhat similar to the bobcat, with fur not too different from the clouded leopard or jaguar. The ocelot likes to live in places with thick vegetation, so they are found in tropical forests, mangroves, and savanna regions. Ocelots are primarily solitary animals; males scent-mark territories […]
The Jaguar
October 1, 2016 in Meet The Carnivores /by species1The jaguar (Panthera onca) is the largest cat in the Americas and the third-largest feline in the world, behind only the tiger and the lion. The jaguar roams a variety of habitats. Although it prefers densely wooded areas and thick rainforests, it can also be found in scrublands and deserts. Its range stretches from Southwestern […]
The search for the Javan fishing cat
September 23, 2016 in SPECIES in the news /by species1The Javan fishing cat is perhaps the rarest cat in the world. The last survey of the species was conducted in the early 1990s, and this led to its designation as “critically endangered.” Since then, the habitat which the Javan fishing cat depends upon has been developed, and today, the fate of the species remains […]
Does Taiwan want to see Clouded Leopards Again? First We Need to Ask!
July 8, 2016 in Project Updates /by species1It is not entirely clear when, but some time during the last century more or less the Formosan clouded leopard, as it was known, went extinct on Taiwan. Exactly what drove its decline is also not known, as there are extensive areas on the island, including Tawu Mountain Nature Reserve, suited to hosting populations of […]
Carnivores of Sri Lanka: A Collaboration with SLWCS
June 25, 2016 in Project Updates /by species1S.P.E.C.I.E.S. is joining forces with the Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society to launch priority conservation surveys for at least five of the island nation’s native carnivore species, and initiate a more comprehensive effort to assess threats to these carnivores across the country. These activities began in early 2016 with expeditions to focus on the endangered Sri […]
Mitigating Carnivore Conflict with Partners in Northern Mexico
June 15, 2016 in Project Updates /by species1Mexico is among the top three countries in the world with the greatest biodiversity. Because the country contains mammal species native to both North America and Latin America, it hosts the greatest number of carnivore species and endangered mammals in the western hemisphere. S.P.E.C.I.E.S. is now supporting the efforts of the Wildlife Investigation Laboratory at […]
The Maned Wolf
April 7, 2016 /0 Comments/in Meet The Carnivores /by species1The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest canid of South America. Standing approximately 35 inches tall with relatively large ears and a slender build (about 50 pounds), the maned wolf is not a wolf at all, but a distinct evolutionary lineage of canids unique to South America. More like a tall, strikingly reddish fox, […]